Hi everyone,

First and foremost, I’m sorry It’s been quiet such a long time. It’s been over 2 years since my last update and man, did things changed in the mean time.

Most importantly, I’ve been blessed with the birth of my son, a feisty little fellow who conquered my heart the moment he was born.  A bit less important though still one of the milestones in the last few years, was my marriage to the love of my life (why else would you marry 😛 )

Furthermore, I’ve had quite a tumultuous period the last few years. I’ve switched jobs three times, once because I was hunted for a so-called senior developer/team-lead function, which when-push-came-to-shove wasn’t even close to senior, and the team-lead aspect wasn’t even in the picture, the second time was a senior developer function at another company, where I’ve did my utmost best to keep the business running (which resulted in me getting burned-out). After recovering from this burn-out I wasn’t able to function properly anymore at the same company, which eventually led me to a developer function at my current employer (where I’m really satisfied to be honest).

I’ve also acquired a few more Microsoft certificates and not so long ago I’ve passed the Zend Certified PHP Engineer exam with flying colors 🙂 which means I’m also a ZCE 😉

Well that’s the last few years in a (seemingly very small) nutshell..

I’m not making any promises, but I’ll try to blog more frequently from now on…


